The reader
Journey to the centre of the earth
Chapter 6
1- What awoke Axel after he was fainted? 1- ما الذى ايقظ اكسل؟
*A noise like thunder or waves crashing on the shore of the sea. صوت ضوضاء مثل الرعد او امواج
2- What did Axel hear when he came to himself? 2- ماذا سمع اكس بعد ان استرد و عية؟
* He heard waves and his uncle's voice. صوت امواج و صوت عمة
3- What words did Axel hear when he recovered? 3- ما الكلمات التى سمعها اكسل عندما فاق؟
*He heard his name and the word "lost" سمع اسمة وكلمة مفقود
4- Why could they hear each other? 4- لماذا سمعوا بعض؟
*As they were in a hall all passages led to it. لانهم فى قاعة تؤدى لها مل الممرات.
5- How could lidenbrock calculate the distance between him and Axel?
5- كيف حسب ليدنبروك المسافة بينة و بين اكسل؟
*He asked Axel to call to him again to use his voice. طلب من اكسل ان ينادى علية مرة ثانية
*By using Axels voice. باستخدام صوت اكسل
6- How far was Axel apart from his uncle? 6- كم المسافة التى يبعد بها اكسل عن عمة؟
*About 6 kilometres.
7- Why did lidenbrock tell Axel to walk down the passage? 7- لماذا طلب من اكسل ان يمشى لاسفل الممر؟
*To meet them
8- What happened to Axel as he started to walk down the passage?8- ماذا حدث لة عندما مشى لاسفل الممر؟
*He slid down, as the slope was very steep.انزلق. المنحدر كان شديد النحدار.
*His head hit a sharp rock and (fainted)lost consciousness again. صدمت راسة صخرة حادة ففقد الوعى.
9- Why did the professor give a cry of joy? 9- لماذا صاح البروفسير من الفرح.
*As Axel was alive. لآن اكسل كان حى
10- What did Axel see when he got up?10- ماذا راى اكسل عندما استيقظ؟
*He saw strange light, a big sea, a sky with clouds and a roof of rocks.
ضوء غريب و بحر كبير سماء بسحب و سقف ضخرى
11- How was the light strange? 11- كيف كان الضوء غريب؟
*It was cold and white, unlike sunlight or moonlight. كان بارد و ابيض لا يشبة ضوء الشمس او القمر.
12- Why couldn’t Axel see anything at first? 12- لماذا لم يستطيع اكسل ان يرى فى البداية؟
*His eyes were not used to light. لان عينة لم تكن معتادة على الضوء.
13- What did the professor name the sea? 13- ما الاسم الذى اطلقة البروفسير على البحر؟
*Lidenbrock sea. بحر ليدنبروك
14- Where was Lidenbrock Sea? 14- اين بحر ليدنبروك؟
*It was inside the earth. *It was underground. تحت الارض
15- What did the characters see along the shore of the sea? 15- ماذا شاهدوا على شاطىء بحر ليدنبروك؟
*They saw Towers of sharp rocks in the water. ابراج من الصخور فى الماء.
*They saw a forest of trees that looked like giant umbrellas When they got closer they were giant mushrooms. غابة من الاشجار و التى مانت تشبة الشمسيات العملاقة. عندما اقتربوا كانت نباتات عيش غراب عملاقة.
*They saw plants that were much taller than they were on the surface of the earth.
شاهدوا نباتات اكبر منها على سطح الارض.
16- They saw the tide rise and fall even here (inside the earth) the sea …
16- شاهدوا المد و الجزر يرتفع و يهبط حتى هنا ............................................
*the sea answers the call of the moon. البحر يجيب نداء القمر.
17- What did they find along the beach of the sea? 17- ماذا و جدوا على طول الشاطىء؟
*They found bones of extinct animals. عظام حيوانات منقرضة.
18- How would they cross and explore Lidenbrock sea? 18- كيف سيعبروا و يستكشفوا بحر ليدنبروك؟
*By a raft. بالقارب.
*The professor asked Hans to make a raft. طلب البروفسير من هانز ان يصنع قارب.
19- Why did Hans make a raft? 19- لماذا صنع هانز القارب؟
*To cross Lidenbrock sea. ليعبروا و يستكشفوا بحر ليدنبروك.
20- How could Hans make the raft? 20- كيف صنع هانز القارب؟
*He cut down some trees and tied them together to make the raft. قطع اشجار و ربطهم معا.
21- They were in …………………… كانوا فى *a huge cave. كهف ضخم
Chapter 7
1- How far did they travel into Lidenbrock Sea? 1- كم المسافى التى شافروها فى بحر ليدنبروك؟
*They travelled 145 kilometres.
2- How did Hans try to fish? 2- كيف حاول هانز الصيد؟
*He tied a hook to the end of a rope, put some meat on it and threw it into the sea.
ربط سنارة فى طرف حبل و وضع فيها بعض اللحم و القاها فى البحر.
3- How was the fish that Hans caught strange? 3- كيف كانت السمكة غريبة؟
*It had a flat head and it had no tail or eyes. It was extinct. رأسها مستوى وليس لها عيون و لا ذيل و كانت منقرضة.
4- What fantastic creatures that Axel thought they would meet? 4- ما المخلوقات التى توقع ان يروها؟
*He expected to see lizards, whales or birds that lived on the earth millions of years ago.
توقع ان يرى سحالى و حيتان و طيور عاشت على سطح الارض من ملايين السنين.,
5- How did Lidenbrock try to measure the depth of the sea? 5- كيف حاول ليدنبروك قياس عمق البحر.
*He tied a pickaxe to the end of a rope and threw it in the sea. ربط فأس فى طرف حبل و القاة فىة البحر.
6- What marks did Hans see on the pickaxe? 6- ما العلامات التى شاهدها هانز على الفأس؟
*He saw marks of monster’s teeth. علامات اسنان و حش بحرى.
7- What did they see? 7- ماذا رأوا؟
*They saw two sea monsters going towards them. وحشيين بحرىيين متجهيين نحوهم.
8- What threw their raft into the air? 8- ما الذى القى بقاربهم فى الهواء؟
*A huge sea monster. وحش بحرى ضخم.
9- What did the two sea monsters do? 9- ما ذا فعل الوحشين؟
*Although they were dangerous, they didn’t attack the raft They attacked each other until one of them died. برغم انهم خطيريين لم يهاجموا القارب لكن هاجموا بعض حت مات احدهم.
10- How long did the fight between the two-sea monsters take? 10- كم استمرت المعركة بينهم؟
* It lasted for 2 or 3 hours.
11- What was the result of the fight? 11- ما نتيجة المعركة بينهم؟
*One of them was killed. مات احدهم.
12- Why were they happy? 12- لماذا كانت الشخصيات سعيدة؟
*As they escaped the anger of the two sea monsters. لانهم نجوا من غضب الوحوش البحرية.
13- What was the roaring voice that they heard on their voyage on Lidenbrock Sea?
13- ما صوت الخرير الذى سمعوة اثناء رحلتهم فى بحر ليدنبروك؟
*It was a fountain. نافورة.
14- What was the fountain? 14- ماهى النافورة.
*It was a geyser coming from Axel Island. عين ماء ساخن من جزيرة اكسل.
15- What did the characters see when they get closer to the fountain? 15- مذاذا راوا بعد اقترابهم من النافورة؟
*They saw a huge dark shape. It was an island. شكل مظلم ضخمز كان جزيرة.
16- What did Axel think the shape was? 16- ماذا اعتقدوا ان يكون الشكل؟
*He thought it was another sea monster. وحش بحرى اخر.
17- What name did the professor give to the island? 17- ما الاسم الذى اطلقة ليدنبروك على الجزيرة؟
*He named it Axel Island. جزيرة اكسل.
18- Why did they leave Axel Island? 18- لماذا غادرو الجزيرة بسرعة؟
*As it trembled was it very hot. لانها اهتزت و كانت ساخنة.
19- What did the storm do to the raft? 19- ماذا فعلت العاصفة بالقارب؟
*It was thrown up in the air and the wind blew it in a great speed. القتة فى الهواء و دفعتة بسرعة هائلة.
20- How long did the storm last? 20- كم المدة التى استمرت فيها العاصفة؟
*It lasted for three days. 3 أيام
21- Why did Axel faint in Lidenbrock Sea? 21- لماذا اغمى على اكسل فى بحر ليدنبروك؟
*As a ball of fire hit the raft and burst. لان كرة من النار صدكت القارب و انفجرت.
22- How did the storm help them? 22- كيف ساعدته العاصفة؟
*It helped them cross Lidenbrock Sea. على عبور بحر ليدنبروك.
23- What did they see when they walked inland on the other shore? 23- ماذا شاهدوا على يابسة الشاطىء الاخر.
*They saw a range of hills, bones of extinct animals and a human skull.
سلاسل تلال و عظام حيوانات منقرضة و جمجمة انسان.
24- What did the human skull prove to Lidenbrock? 24- ماذا تثبت الجمجمة؟
*Men had lived on the shore of that underground sea for thousands of years.
ان الانسان عاش على شاطىء البحر الموجود تحت الارض من الاف السنين.
25- What giant animals did they see in the forest? 25- ما الحيوانات العملاقة التى شاهدوها فى الغابة؟
*They saw mammoths. They were extinct on the earth. افيلة الماموث. منقرضيين.
26- How did Axel recognize that the animals were mammoths?26- كيف عرفهم اكسل؟
*As he saw their pictures in his science books. رأى صورهم فى كتبة العلمية.
27- What did Lidenbrock want to do when he saw the mammoths? 27- ماذا اراد ليدنبروك ان يفعل؟
*He wanted to approach them. ان يقترب منهم.
but Axel refused. He didn’t want to risk life with them. لكن اكسل رفض و قال انة لا يوجد من يخاطر بحياتة معهم.
28- How was the forest strange? 28- لماذا كانت الغابة غريبة؟
*It was pale yellow and the trees had no lower branches. You could see through it.
لونها اصفر شاحب و اشجارها ليس بها فروع سفلى يمكنك الرؤية من خلالها.
29- Who was looking after the flock of mammoths? 29- من كان يرعى قطيع من الماموث؟
*A shepherd. راعى.
30- What was the shepherd like? (Describe) 30- صف الراعى.
*He was three metres tall and had long hair. He held a long stick in his hand.
طولة 3 امتار و شعرة طويل يمسك بعصى طويلة.
31- Why did they run back to Lidenbrock Sea? 31- لماذا جروا على بحر ليدنبروك؟
*As they were afraid of the shepherd. لخوفهم من الراعى.
32- When was the first time that Lidenbrock do what Axel told him to do?
32- ما اول مرة يسمع فيها ليدنبروك كلام اكسل؟
*When they ran back to the raft because they were afraid of the shepherd.
عندما جروا للقارب لخوفهم من الراعى.
Chapter 8
1- What did Axel find on the sand of the shore? 1- ماذا و جد اكسل على الشاطىء؟
*He found a steel knife. سكينة صلب.
2- What did lidenbrock notice about the knife? 2- ماذا لا حظ ليدنروك على السكينة؟
*Its blade was rough. حددها خشن.
3- Why was the blade of the knife rough? 3- لماذا كان حد السكينة خسن؟
*Because Arne Saknussemm used it to carve A.S on a rock. لان ارن استخدمها فى كتابة اسمة على صخرة.
4- Where did they find the two initials A.S? 4- أين وجدوا الحرفيين؟
*They found them on a rock at the foot of a cliff at the entrance of a dark tunnel.
على صخرة عند مدخل نفق مظلم فى اسفل منحدر صخرى.
5-When did Axels doubts about the journey disappear? 5- متى اختفت شكوك اكسل فى الرحلة؟
*When he saw the initials A.S that meant a great traveller had been to the centre of the earth before them. عندما راى اسم ارن . هذا يعنى ان رحالة عظيم ذهب لمركز الارض قبلهم.
6- What do A.S refer to? ما الذى يشير الية الحرفيين؟
*They refer to Arne Saknussemm.
7- What did Axel tell his uncle when he saw the initials A.S ? 7- ماذا قال اكسل لعمة عندما شاهدوا الحرفيين؟
*He told him to enter the tunnel and continue to the centre of the earth. ان يدخلوا النفق و يكملوا الرحلة.
8- What blocked their way to the centre of the earth? 8- ما الذى اعاق طريقهم لمركز الارض؟
*A huge rock. صخرة ضخمة.
9- What did Axel and Hans do to break the rock? 9- ماذا فعل اكسل و هانز لكسر الصخرة؟
*Hans made a hole in a rock with his pickaxe. Next, he filled it with gunpowder. Then, he made a fuse out of cloth. صنع هانز ثقب بفأسة و وضعوا فية البارود ثم صنعوا فتيل من القماش.
10- What was Lidenbrock’s opinion of the rock? 10- ما راى ليدنروك فى الصخرة.
*He thought it fell after Arne Saknussemm was there. انها سقطت بعد مرور ارن ساكنوسم.
11- How could they break the rock? 11—كيف كسروا الصخرة؟
*By gunpowder. بالبارود.
12- Why did they use gunpowder to break the rock? 12- لماذا استخدموا البارود لكسر الصخرة؟
*As it was too hard and blocked their way to tne centre of the earth.
لانها صلبة جدا. و اعاقت طريقهم لمركز الارض.
13- What happened after the explosion? 13- ما الذى حدث بعد الانفجار؟
*The sea began one big wave that carried them forward in frightening speed.
تحول البحر لموجة ضخمة حملتهم بسرعة كبيرة للامام .
14- What did they lose after the explosion? 14- ما الذى فقدوة بعد الانفجار؟
*They lost their tools, instruments and most of their food and drink. الادوات و المعدات ومعظم الطعام و الشراب.
15- How did they lose their tools, instruments and most of their food and drink?
15- كيف فقدوا الادوات و المعدات ومعظم الطعام و الشراب؟ * They had been swept away by the waves. اكتسحتهم الامواج.
16 - What did they do to prevent themselves from falling off the raft?
16- ماذا فعلوا ليمنعوا انفسهم من السقوط من القارب؟
*They held to each other. تمسكوا ببعض.
16- Why did Axel decide not to tell his uncle about losing everything? 16- لماذا لم يقلق اكسل على فقدان كل شىء
*He thought they would be killed soon. إعتقد انهم سيقتلون قريبا.
Chapter 9
1-Where were they falling? 1- أين كانوا يسقطون؟
*They were falling over a waterfall. اسفل شلال.
2- What was the change that Axel and his uncle felt? 2- ما التغيير الذى شعر بة اكسل و عمة؟
*They were going up. انهم يصعدون.
3- Why wasn’t Axel worried when they lost their food? 3-لماذا لم يقلق اكسل عندما فقدوا طعامهم؟
*He thought they would be killed soon. اعتقد انهم سيموتون قريبا.
4-When did Axel tell his uncle that they had lost their food? 4- متى اخبر اكسل عمة انهم فقدوا طعامهم؟
*When his uncle asked them to eat to keep their strength. عندما طلب عمة الطعام ليحافظوا على قوتهم.
5- What did his uncle say? 5- ما رد عمة؟
*He said nothing. لم يقل شىء؟
6- What happened as the water drove them up? 6- ما الذى حدث بينما تدفعهم المياة لاعلى؟
*It got hotter and the rocks were burning. زادت سخونتها و الصخور كانت تحترق.
7- What happened to their compass? Why? 7- ما الذى حدث للبوصلة؟ و لماذا؟
*It got crazy. Its needle went in all directions. تجننت و تحركت ابرتها فى كل الاتجاهات.
*As they were in the middle of an active volcano. لانهم فى وسط بركان نشط؟
8- How did Lidenbrock know that they were in the middle of an active volcano?
8- كيف عرف ليدنبروك انهم فى وسط بركان نشط؟
*Because the needle of the compass moved in all directions. لان ابرة البوصلة تحركت فى جميع الاتجاهات.
9- Why was Lidenbrock happy to be in an active volcano? 9- لماذا فرح ليدنبروك انهم فى بركان نشط؟
*As it was their only chance to return to the surface of the earth.
لانها فرصتهم الوحيدة ليعودوا للعودة لسطح الارض.
10- What was their only chance of returning to the centre of the earth?
10- ما فرصتهم الوحيدة ليعودوا للعودة لسطح الارض؟
*The eruption of the active volcano. ثوران البركان النشط (استرومبولى).
11- What did Axel think of his uncle? 11- ما راى اكسل فى عمة؟
*He thought he was crazy. اعتقد انه تجننوا.
12- What did they do in order not to fall of the raft? 12- ماذا فعلوا لكى لا يقعوا من القارب؟
*They held on to each other and clung to the raft. تمسكوا ببعض و تعلقوا بالقارب.
13- What could Axel remember about the eruption of the volcano? 13-ماذا تذكر اكسل عن ثوران البركان؟
*He remembered explosion, falling rocks, waves of red-hot lava and flames everywhere.
الانفجار و الصخور المتساقطة و امواج من الحمم البركانية الساخنة الحمراء و لهب فى كل مكان.
14- What was Axel's last memory of the eruption of the volcano? 14-ما اخر شىء تذكرة اكسل؟
*Hans's calm face looking at him. وجه هانز الهادىء ينظر الية.
15- Why did Axel faint? 15- لماذا اغمى على اكسل فى البركان؟
*As the heat was unbearable inside the active volcano. لان الحرارة داخل البركان كانت لا تحتمل.
16- Where were the characters after the explosion of the active volcano? 16- اين كانوا بعد الانفجار؟
*They were on a steep mountain slope on the surface of the earth in Italy.
على منحدر صخرى شديد الانحدار على سطح الارض فى ايطاليا.
17- How could Axel Know that they were back to the surface of the earth? 17- كيف عرف اكسل انهم عادوا؟
*When he saw the sky. عندما راى السماء
Chapter 10
1- How did Hans know that they weren’t in Iceland? 1- كيف عرف هانز انهم ليس فى ايسلندا؟
*As the sun was hot and the ground was dry. لان الشمس ساخنة و الارض جافة.
2- Where were they when they returned to the surface of the earth? 2-اين كانوا وقت العودة لسطح الارض؟
*They were in Italy.
3- How could the professor know that they were in Italy? 3- كيف عرفوا انهم فى ايطاليا؟
*When the boy answered only in Italian. عندما اجاب الولد بالايطالية.
4- The professor asked the boy in different languages, but …………. 4- سال البروفسير الولد بلغات كثيرة و لكن
*he answered only in Italy. اجاب الولد فقط بالايطالية.
5- What did Axel see when he looked down the mountain of Stromboli? 5-ماذا شاهد اكسل عندما نظر اسفل الجبل؟
*He saw gardens and waters of the Mediterranean Sea. حدائق و مياة البحر المتوسط.
6- What is Stromboli? 6- ما هو استرومبولى؟
*It’s a famous volcano, mountain and island in Italy. بركان و جبل و جزيرة مشهورة فى ايسلندا.
7- What wonderful journey they had mad. Show how? 7- صف الرحلة الرائعة التى قاموا بها؟
*They went to the centre of the earth through an extinct volcano of Sneffels in Iceland in the cold north and returned to the surface of the earth through an active volcano of Stromboli in the warm south.
ذهبوا لمركز الارض من خلال بركان خامل يسمى اسنيفلز و خرجو من خلال بركان نشط يسمى استرومبولى. بدلوا برودة الشمال بدفىء الجنوب.
8- Why did the fruit taste wonderful? 8- لماذا كان طعم الفاكهة رائع؟
*As they were hungry. لانهم كانوا جوعانين.
9- How were the people of San Vicenzo kind? 9- كيف كان شعب سان فيسنزوا طيبيين؟
*They gave the characters food, drink and new clothes. اعطوهم طعام و شراب و ملابس جديدة. .
10- Why did they need new clothes? 10- لماذا احتاجوا ملابس جديدة؟
*As their clothes were rages. لان ملابسهم كانت مهلهلة
11- How did they return to Hamburg in Germany? 11- كيف عادوا لهامبورج فى المانيا؟
*First, They took a boat to Messina. Then, they took another ship to Marseilles in France. Finally, they took the train to Hamburg. اولا بالقارب لمسينا. ثم سفينة اخرى الى مرسيليا. و اخيرا قطار الى هامبورج.
12- When did they return to Hamburg? 12- متى عادوا الى هامبورج؟
*On the 9th September.
13- What did their return cause in Hamburg? 13- ما الذى سببتة عودتهم فى هامبورج؟
*It caused great excitement and argument. اثارة عظيمة و جدال كبير.
14- Why did the people in Hamburg believe the journey? 14- لماذا صدق الناس فى ايسلندا الرحلة؟
*As Hans was with them to the centre of the earth. لان هانز كان معهم لمركز الارض.
*There was news about the journey from Iceland. لوجود اخبار عن الرحلة من ايسلندا.
15- How did the people in Hamburg celebrate them? 15- كيف احتفل بهم الناس فى ايسلندا؟
*The held a celebration where the most important people were invited and made speeches in the professor’s honour. اقاموا لهم احتفال حيث دعى الية اهم الناس و القوا خطب على شرف البروفسير.
16- What did Axel share his uncle in? 16- ما الذى شارك اكسل عمة فيه؟
*He shared a little in his glory. القليل من المجد.
17- Where did Hans decide to go after the journey? 17- اين قرر هانز ان يذهب بعد الرحلة؟
*He wanted to go home to Iceland. اراد العودة لوطنة ايسلندا.
18-What did the professor tell Hans? 18- ماذا طلب البروفسير من هانز؟
*He wanted him to stay in Hamburg. طلب منه البقاء معهم فى ايسلندا.
19- Why did the professor and Axel love Hans? 19- لماذا احبا هانز؟
*As he was calm and sensible. لانة هادى و عاقل.
20- How did the professor enjoy himself during the celebration? 20-كيف قضى البروفسير وقت ممتع فى الحفل؟
*Scientists argued with him and he had to tell the story again and again.
جادلة و ناقشة العلماء فاضطر ان يحكى القصة مرة بعد مرة.